Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Haha today was heaps fun today like getting to school, me, Rak, and Nikkidaa, are waiting at the gate and Nikkidaa sqeezes through and then they tell me and Rak to pay $1 to get in . So we did . Then at the next part, near Mr Norris' house, Nikkidaa AND Rak get past, but then because all of the Year 12's there knew me, they made me do 15 pushups, which I did very easily, too tank ;D

Then KAPOW!!!
I walk into the main quad and toilet paper everywhere, and I heard someone say, 'Ha the asians will be happy, they'll be running arouund screaming WE ARE SET FOR MONTHS, picking up toilet paper ' that was funny . Cause that kid was asian too . And there was like all kinds of liquids on railings and tables and chairs ( YEAH ALL KINDS ) and they were .. icky .

Double Ag, first haha did some sheets then we watched, You've Got To Know Your Tractor, You've Got To Know Your Ground . It was kinda weird cause like so repetitive, tractor falls to side cause of problem, words come up - KNOW YOUR TRACTOR . KNOW YOUR GROUND . Apparently it's Mr McCord's favourite video . Probably cause of the part where the girl's skirt is teared and yeah McCord you paedophile >D .

Recess, urgh sat in sun for a bit I think ? Then like soaked Troy and 'wet his hair' which was a 'DISASTER' for him LOL and then yeah it was fun ;D PASS was heaps awesome, we played dodgeball for the first time in like, ever . So good, actually kinda tiring in the end, so I/Carissa soaked me with my 1L Loli Water Bottle . Na, Year 12's didnt get me with water bombs . HSIE, bleh, as always, did nothing and kinda can't remember anything ? Lunch was alright, I cbb going down to watch Teachers vs Year 12's Touch game, so stayed at Nikkidaa's group and got soaked by Nikkidaa, soaked by Mel, twice, and soaked by Mariel . Oh, and soaked by Danica.H . Science we tried playing Hide And Seek but it kinda failed except me and Avi trying to sneak into the Year 8 Japanese class except we had to get our nae marked off so we couldn't get it . Then we just played Hangman the whole lesson . Cause I was soaked still, in English I changed into my jersey, and when I did like I was at the toilets and I walk and see like 15 Year 12 guys filling up 2 bins with waterbombs and they all look at me, with like all of them holding 3 bombs in each hand, and I thought they were gonna smash me I was freaking out, but yeah they didn't cause they knew me haha, they just said 'If you pop or touch any of them, We . Will . Kill . You . ' I don't think they were joking ..
Anywayy backk to English, read more of the play but missed out on Mel's Birthday Cake but it's okay I at least still sang Happy Birthday to her ;P
End of the day omgg it sucked but it was still hilarious like I thought I nearly made it through to the station without getting hit but then BAM ! hit in the back and the arm soaking wet and then I turn around and see a bunch of Year 12's there, and then as soon as I turn around, BAM ! a whole handful of flour goes all in m face and on my back, I couldn't see clearly for a bit lol and like there is all white stuff on my bag kinda ish on my jersey and there was heaps in my hair, so Mariel said ' Hmm, you have aged well, young one . ' LOL super funny . Station was good, in a crappy-ish mood cause I couldn't go Westfields with Nikkidaa, but she cheered me up ;D and so did Mariel big time, TY (:
Got home, straight away into the shower, and yeah now I'm watching The Spongebob Squarepants Movie on my laptop, so cool right ? Shuddup, it actually is, cmon, Spongebob .

You've Got To Finish This Post . You've Got To Finish It Now .

Farewell .

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Err .

25th ..

Everyone there was like crazy as so funny these random Bulldogs guys shouting for no reason and when Bulldogs scored the crowdlke exploded it was nuts, and like I actually was full cheering for Bulldogs, cause Nikkidaa goes for them . My voice isn't that sore but yeah the atmosphere was so awesome I loved every minute of it .

(Read Nikkidaa's blog for more detailed and more epic stuff that happened )

To Nikkidaa : Finally, we had some BFFLFL time together wihout anyone else, staring at us awkwardly or saying shit behind our backs, which I am so sick of TT" . Thanks for everything, so glad you came, andandand you rock hardcore bitch >D


26th ..

I didn't do much today, but yeah went Westfields, got Mel's fish and cleaner and food ( don't kill it Mel . I'm serious . ) and yeah came back home, got ready and left for Mel's / . Koshila, Bhavna and Danica.P were there when I got there and yeah they were tying up balloons out the front, which popped cause of the wind and her brother popped the other one . After everyone came, we like did nothing fr a bit then decided to go to the park . Park was wicked as, played with footy and soccer ball, went on the swing, and yeah heaps fun . Plus, me and Troy like jumped over 7 people lying down, so awesome, and not sure who recorded it but like when Troy jumps over you just here Jenny like fullhigh pitch scream, so funny . Back at Mel's house, we talked and stuff, played Wii and ate pizza, then PARTYYY TIME LOL . That was heaps fun, especially Avi saying something very akward everytime the music stopped LOL . Kabhi was kinda ..
Interesting especially dancing all sexy like up close to Avi.
And Avi doing it back ...
Gau is a heaps good dancer, and Mariel is like so pro she schooled everone you can dance crazyyy haha . After that, we sat on her trampoline which was freezing lol and then we ran up to Mel's room and talked it was heaps fun . Then Kyleeny came, like at 11:00ish just from a wedding, and she looked all pretty-like so yeah then I went home and crashed ..

And that was yesterday . It was fun .

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Blogging from iPod don't feel like going to comp, but I can't use colours so yeah might be a little less dull haha .

This morning was so cool I like wake up open my shutters and BOOM! someone sprinkled ranga dust in the sky . It was so cool, and the moon or sun whichever one it was, was like super uber bright like I big shiny white ball ( not as white as Daniel ;D ) .
IST was, doing nothing again haha just wikipedia random stuff and google random stuff and Asians watching porn and stuff - What ? What . What ? What . What ? What . What ? I'm just saying .

HAHA and then in PASS we couldn't play ANY sport because of the ranga dust everywhere so we watched this stupid surf video . Funniest thing was only Mr Wilson was ACTUALLY interested in it ! I just played with my iPod Touch and Jimmy's Nintendo DS . Was pretty fun I pwned in Mario Kart DS (H)
Recess rocked heaps like at Nikkidaa's group, and yeah you bitch you spilt like tonnea of Deep Spring on me I was so sticky >:(
But then I hugged you and Carmen got it all on your back so good . TEAMWORK ! LOL
Geography was pretty alright talked to Carmen and stuff very interesting haha but na it's fun .
Lunch was wicked as, whole time with Nikkidaa, and an empty Deep Spring bottle, haha . Heaps wicked time (H)
Sport was gay, like it was me, Joss and Bushy with Mr Pollock watching a movie . But in the end it was actually alright like the movie was MA15 and it had full swearing and everything and it was a comedy too so yeah . Station was good, watch Jimmy running after Andrew and honestly MAN THAT KID IS FAST ! Honestly you hold a cookie in front of him in the 100m next year at athletics carnival and you have got the next Usain Bolt .
Bus ride home played more Mario Kart DS . Pwnage again haha and yeah so pretty awesome day thanks to N (L) and my bottle HAHA

Good day to you all .

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

TwentySecond .

Hello boys and girls, I'm blogging (of course), have to keep my fans entertained, just not in the greatest mood right now and won't go into details .


Today was pretty fun, your average day at school, I guess . (Boy this is going great, right ? )
Morning was alright, my cat woke me up like an hour earlier and I open my eyes with him lying on my chest purring and just staring point blank at me . So I played with a pussy in my bed >D . (This is the part where you laugh haha )and yeah bus trip, average listening to music full blast as usual, train station, meh, talkity talk talk, catchity train train, talkity talk talk at school, BELL RINGS . English first, and we read more of the play, and I was Benedick that time and jeeze, most I have ever read in class, I felt like a preacher to everyone . Then it was Ag, we went straight to farm to drive tractor, and boy did I suck, like I honestly sucked so bad . I couldn't reach the clutch properly and I FULL went flying at the beginning, but yeah it was alright, and apparently, we weren't even supposed to accelerate or anything and I was the whole time ( Shh, don't tell anyone . Even though this is a blog, but still shhhh . ) Recess was heaps good, had my leaner backerer again, Nikkidaa (L) haha, and yeah totally screwed my iPod but then I fixed it and I was happy (:
Science, did more reproduction crap, like it is so weird and boring, not entertaining staring at all that stuff . And my IST teacher was in there walking around around and looking at everyone's work, no not Haracic other sub or something yeah, random yet scary :S HSIE, video again, and I didn't pay attention for 1 SECOND, HONESTLY, I had no clue about anything just me and my iPod (H)
Um, Lunch, was .. alright I guess ?
IST, er, absolutely did jack shit, like NOTHING at all, reading summary of episodes of TV Shows, like Glee, Chuck etc so cool, right ?
Maths, was alright, did nothing much, well at all I should say, just completely dead, and annoyed I think and very upset but yeah, enough of my life, back to ..
( That worked well ? )
Station was fun, me Nikkidaa and Mariel, I went to go down to my bus, then turned around and Nikkidaa shows me my tie . That wasn't on me . The tie in her hands . So i walk back, get the tie, walk down, then stand there for a bit, then walk back up, then they were both like WTH ?!
My answer : I didn't feel like catching it .
Too cool (H)
Bus home alright, stupid kid in front of me was so annoying trying to talk to me, and being a total asshole to everyone and I felt like hitting him, honestly . Not in the mood, kid .

For the ending, here are some funny Maths questions, with funny results :

Collection of Funniest & Hilarious Exam Answers

Collection of Funniest & Hilarious Exam Answers

Collection of Funniest & Hilarious Exam Answers

And a science one somebody OBVIOUSLY did for Mr Peck :

Collection of Funniest & Hilarious Exam Answers

Monday, September 21, 2009

Test, test 1,2,3 .

Woah, I can blog from my iPod with Internet access, awesome . Btw, I'm in my bed, with my iPod, at 10:45pm with nothing else to do, than test if I can blog from my iPod, to prove I'm too lazy to walk to that damn computer and turn it on and do it from there . This actually is kinda fun haha >D

10 BLOG . (H)

One: Like wow, mostly wow, im kinda amazed we are well basically friends now, like not full close, but we can actually see eye to eye, and even say 'hey' or even a hug once in a while, after 2 years of cruel bullying ><
Two: Right now, fuck you . Honestly, just piss off right now not in the mood for you, like I cant say anything to you and more importantly I DONT WANT TO . And you can say all that shit behind my back but one day i'm still gonna hear it so tell me how your feeling towards me and JUST SAY IT .
Three: HAHA I really dont know what to think of you right now . Like honestly, you rock and everything your a pretty cool person, but in a way, I really DISLIKE YOU . Hate is too harsh for you . Sorry, but yeah like wow . I wanna be your friend but as i get closer i just get more pissed and annoyed at the situation we are in .
Four: I feel pretty cool with you like I feel more comfortable around you and more friendly and close and I like it, and you have told me some stuff, and yeah I listen and try to give the best advice, cause you deserve it ;P
Five: Ah, I like you and all, just please come back down to the world where you belong, like you are pretty cool and stuff, just where you are doesnt suit you and everyone knows that. Except for you. Everyone wants you back in reality someday, rather sooner than later .
Six: Like you rock, hardcore, I cant imagine a day without you (H), you have that talent to able to make me laugh at THE WORST WORST TIMES and I thank you for that so much, and of course I love you to death (H), everyone probably knows this one, but i dont care, cause everything is true ;D
Seven: WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM, SERIOUSLY . I know you have a problem with me ALL OF YOU, so just say it and there is tension and it is SOO annoying and im so sick of all the bullshit . 3 people in this one .
Eight: You are alright, I admit, you can be a awesome person to talk to and get to know, and sometimes I wish I knew you even more, cause thats how interesting you are ;D
Nine: Okay, you kinda frighten me, but not in the scared way really, just not sure, incase I hurt the people you love (which I never will) . One day, I actually would like to talk about everything to you about someone, and see what you think . I might need you one day .
Ten: This person is just god damn sexy, like omgomgomg super hot, well from what I think, like those skinny curves and just dayum you can work it, and you are like absolutely gorgeous you sexy beast, don't ever forget that >D

Anyonymous people blog transmission, detonated .

21st .

Today was pretty alright, I tapped Nikkidaa's pussy HAHA, please don't ask me about that !
Actually my as well explain it now .
For Ngoc's birthday, Nikkidaa made her a kitty cat out of, er not really sure lol, paper !
And yeah it had a bell and everything so cool (H) and I felt it, then started poking it, and Nikkidaa was like " You tap my pussy ?! " So yeah, story explained, have fun kids . Got hot chocolate in the morning, so yum ;D and then I spilt it thanks to someone >D and I ' had a little accident ' so yeah .

Ag was alright, learnt more stuff for tractors and some of us drove the tractor . I might tomorrow . If I can actually remember how to drive it HAHA . PASS WAS HEAPS AWESOME, okay we played our group's game 'BIG BALLS' and it was sooo tiring but heaps fun, except the goals were a bit dodgy, like you could throw the ball like 2m above the keeper's head and it's a goal, so doesn't really make sense .
HSIE, meh . Geography video = I play iPod for 51 minutes ^^
Lunch was heaps funny, I had my own personal, leaner backerer person . Nikkidaa, your fun to lean on, remember that >D
Science, on comps it was okay, but it was funny when we each got a blank slip, and Mr Peck said,
' If you have something confidential or unsure inside you, ask me and I'll give you back an answer. ' So Lisa ( as a joke ;D ) wrote that she is unsure about her sexuality, as she feels something towards Kyleen the way she talks and walks, so Troy, Mel etc wrote 'From Lisa' at the bottom and it was heaps funny .
English was average, write some stuff, read some stuff, joke around with some stuff HAHA DON'T TAKE THAT IN THE WRONG WAY >D Oh, and congrats to Kyleen she didn't crack today . Well only for school hours, and I WAS SO SO SO CLOSE TO CRACKING HER JUST GRRR >:( But it's okay, I'm proud of you, good job (Y)

( Btw, Jenny just realised I got a blog, so smart HAHA )

Okay from now on I my as well have something random or funny or JUST PLAIN WEIRD for the end of each blog .

So here is this .


So you actually get the idea, read the title in the tab bar and you will get >D

Sayonara .

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Twentienth .

Nothing much AGAIN, really happened today, my cat woke me up, I let him outside to play and stuff with my dogs, then my dog like crashed through the screen door with his huge head and like ran into everyone's rooms and full jumped on their beds and woke up . On his way out, I gave him a treat and said ' Good boy ' . Haha . He is cool . I have 2 dogs btw (: and just 1 cat (:

Here is my first dog, Buddy, he is 11 years old, and he is a Border Collie .
Believe it or not, he is like a super awesome goal keeper in soccer, like unstoppable !

Next my kitty cat, Sox, ( spelt with an x, how rad ;D ) and he is only 9 months old .
We got him from RSPCA, so yeah I helped the community, HAHA (H) .

Finally, my kick-ass energetic other dog, Cruiser, who is 1 years old, and like, 34 kilos or something, that fatty >D He is cool, though, like I crash-tackle him all the time into the lounge and everything, so basically, I love him cause he is a great portable punching bag ?

Anywayy, day was alright, love a new game I got on iPod called, MADDEN NFL 10, yeah it's NFL, but it is heaps awesome, so I love it, so you love it >D . Nikkidaa like called me and texted me like so many times at the most RANDOMEST times today but I didn't mind (: Love you, BFFLFL ;D

So here we are again, at the end, with no idea of how to do this .

So here is this, I saw it this morning on TV, and man, IT WAS HILARIOUS, ENJOY ;D;D .



The End Of Troy&Alex's Blog .

As I shedded my first tear last night, when Troy told me those final words, I collapsed into the ground, shocked more than ever like I was at the bottom of the world .

' I quit blogging . '

Everyone just then felt a huge spear pierce right through their heart and it was crying too, as it was one of the craziest, most spontaneous blog, I have ever read in my wonderous years of living .
This post is kind of a dedication to the blog, (Not to you Troy and Alex, ONLY THE BLOG, SCREW YOU >D) . Na, I'm kidding those guys rock . Just everyone, read their blog one last time, to at least get them to 3600 views or something, they deserve it . Except when I was reading the sex ad blog Troy posted while my sister walks in at the exact same time it loads, and just walks off saying "If that's what keeps you happy" . Other than, I loved it ! Especially the Habbo pic Alex showed with like hepas of black afro guys everywhere . That was the only time in my life when I COULDN'T say 'Where's Avi?' . HAHA .

Right now, I'm watching America's Best Dance Crew on MTV, Season 2 . I must say, dayumm, these guys can move man, like they are wicked as, Mariel has got some competition ;P . Dw, Mariel I'll make a crew with you, but we can only do two signature moves :

- Running Man .
- Hardcore Chicken Dance .

Any other move, I quit .


Er, he is not gay at all, right ? And right now my Internet obsessions I always do when I get home on the comp are :

-FML .
-Blogs .
- Cyanide and Happiness Comics . ( Thanks to Andrew (: )

Honestly those comics rock (H)
I'm not showing one, go to Andrew's blog on my links list and read them, not taking his credit for them . See I'm nice (: BUT NOT AS NICE AS TROYYY !! HAHA

I can't think of a way to end this post .
So here is this .

Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase

Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze

Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze

It means no worries for the rest of your days

It's our problem-free philosophy

Hakuna Matata!

Now, that's and ending .

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Nineteenth .

First of all to Mel and Kyleen : I have a problem . A serious problem, mainly an addiction that I'm not proud of . This week I've been getting the good stuff of you, but soon I wont be able to control myself .

I am a chocaholic .

Recently my expenses on this delicious treat have been out of control, as I have bought in the last week:

8 Chocolate Freddo's .
4 Caramelo Koala's .
2 Strawberry Twin Freddo's .
2 White Chocolate Freddo's .


Well, not really, haha . Speaking of him, I sometimes talk to my mum about school, including Jimmy Zhu, so one day she asks

'What is so great about Jimmy Zhu .'
My answer .
' Honestly, what isn't great about Jimmy Zhu . '
Mum walks away, still confused and with an awkward look on her face . HAHA .

Anywayyy, onto my day . Wow I really know how to waste a day . The boring way . I like wake up 9-ish, then just sit around for a bit, then my mum randomly puts on Bring It On . So, I learned something today .

I learnt how to do spirit fingers, HAHA .

It was pretty average movie, I don't really like Kirsten Dunst, since I thought cheerleaders were meant to be attractive . OH SNAP ;P . And then I went on comp, read some blogs and twitters and stuff, then I watched 17 Again . Again . It such a wicked movie, definitely going on my iPod by Monday . Loved it . 5 stars (H) ;D . Then I watched Chuck, my favourite TV show of all time . Honestly peoples, check it out . And now I am sitting in my loungeroom, on my sister's laptop, just finished my chicken drumsticks and rice and spring rolls from the Chinese take-away shop, watch Footy Finals on Channel Nine . I . ROCK .


Posts, and Lisa, and Aldrich, OH MY !

Words I Love .

There many words in the English dictionary that I just can't get enough off .
So here are some of my many valuably literature of words I laugh at idiotically in front of everyone, while they either laugh or think I've got a serious medical condition .

- SHUTTLECOCK (My favourite one ;D)

So, children, if I you ever see me down, use these words in a sentence, and I'll be back to myself in no time . But you can say SHUTTLECOCK just like tha,t you don't need to put it in a sentence it's already funny . Plus, when you say, you gotta have the pause between, SHUTTLE, AND COCK . Therefore, it isn't as funny . Someone try to teach Lisa how to say shuttlecock . The right way TT" , haha .

And credit to Mr Geerling on Thursday he is wicked as, and so many gestures were made

Such as :

Mr G. : Raise your hand if you have ever used a condom.
( Nobody raises their hand . )
Avi : ( To Mr Peck . ) Sir, I realised you didn't put your hand up either .


Lisa : Sir, remember last year when I was in your class ?
Mr G. : What did you say about Aldrich ?


Mr G. : ( Sarcastic voice ) I don't like condoms . ( Normal voice ) I have two kids . DOES THAT MEAN I HAVE ONLY HAD SEX TWICE . DOES IT ??!!

CLASS : ......

Mr G. : Ah, I'm kidding I've had it WAYY more than that .


Friday, September 18, 2009

Eighteenth .

Today was average . Science, I was not paying attention AT ALL . I don't even know what we did all lesson . Honestly . English was pretty fun, everyone cracking jokes here and there . HAHA AND WE WERE THINKING OF NICKNAMES OF COUPLES, OKAY :D

- Nikkidaa + Troy = Nitro
- Bushy + Izzy = Bizzy (Busy)
- Mel + Gau = Gel
- Mel + Gau = FAIL (Troy's version ;D)
- Luke + Mariel = Muke

So many more I cant remember ?

Recess, was okay, I actually made Nikkidaa believe that I poured Deep Spring on her back (SKILLFUL) . DW, DW I DIDN'T NIKKIDAA ;D And I had full pro ninja skills stealing the chips off Vincent . So yeah very eventful at canteen (:
And I stole Nikkidaa's keys . And Carmen took her shoes . High-larious . But she got the keys back from Troy (see Troy you are too nice >D) and yeah pretty alright .
IST, er . Finished my HTML tutorials, didn't edit code for vertical frame set or locate the image file to put in the body tag in the HTML coding in Notepad. ARGH ! Wow, sound like a nerd, for like once. Actually wait, in Maths I sat next to Nikkidaa, andandand fully pwned in Maths questions, so tank (H) so, yeah nerd again ;P

Lunch was average, at Nikkidaa's group, talked to Carmen and Manisay, and then helped out making Nikkidaa's present for Ngoc . Apparently, from Carmen and Nikkidaa - I can push really hard . LOL TAKE WHAT YOU WANT FROM THAT . And yeah was pretty fun, especially chocolate overload haha .

Okay, time to explain .

Quote ~

Kyleen: I cannot say 'ngaww' for the whole day I say it wayy to much, so for the whole day I just can't .
George, Nikkidaa, Carmen: We'll make you say by the end of the day . Like the whole day I used every trick in the book, e.g. Sad pouting face, saying cookie in my cute little voice, hugging her, EVERYTHING, then I GOT HER . Beginning of PE, I pull her aside, hug her around the waist, look up into her eyes with my pouting face and say :

Kyween, I wuv you .

I was like cracking up for ages, and so proud (H)
Nikkidaa's turn to crack you on Monday, good luck Kyleen ;D
Anyway, PE was heaps good, Ultimate Frisbee FTW HAHA.
Andandand I did so many pro catches like so many times it just floated over everyone the I like jumped in the air and catch it and everyone was like 'OHHH' so yeah, remember Mr Wilson, next year if there is a team, me and Daniel are there ;D
Station was alright, me and Nikkidaa were starving :S Then yeah, it was pretty fun . Bus ride was alright, everyone was like 'Hi George' and Jimmy Zhu was like 'EVERYONE KNOWS YOU'. My response .

So um, yeah average day .

The Beginning Of The End Of This Post .

I finally made a blog, you should be proud of me (H)

Had nothing else to do on a Friday, so what the hey ?

So yeah ENJOY :D:D:d

(P.S. I know the last one is licking his lips >D)